Sponsor Kit
Looking to sponsor our show?We are now taking sponsors for Q1 of 2024
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Why sponsor a podcast rather than a conference?
Reach the People that Make an Impact
Targeted Listeners:
Podcasts usually cater to a specific group interested in a certain topic. Sponsoring a podcast linked to your field helps you connect with these keen listeners, who might like your offerings.
Lasting Impact:
Unlike event sponsorships that last only for the event’s duration, podcast sponsorships linger. People can listen to podcasts anytime, keeping your message alive for new ears long after the release.
Saving Money:
It’s often cheaper to sponsor a podcast than a conference. Podcast sponsorships skip extra costs like travel and booth setups that come with conference sponsorships.
Strong Connection:
Podcast fans are usually devoted and stick with their favorite shows. Sponsoring a podcast lets you dive into this loyalty, forming a bond with the listeners. This could boost your brand recognition, earn customer loyalty, and even drive sales.
As a 1st year Principal in a rural school district who is behind in technology this podcast is perfect. As I am working towards shifting our school and implementing technology into the classrooms. Jeff continues to have great speakers come on and share their wisdom and give ideas on the best ways to shift schools! Thanks Jeff
As a newly hired TOSA Tech Integrationist at a 5/6 intermediate school in MN, SOS is just what I’ve needed. The affirmation these podcasts provide and support of your discussions and thoughts is spot on. The topics are thought provoking and inspiring!