Episode 213: Being a Science Communicator with Swapna Krishna
About Swapna Krishna
Swapna Krishna is a science and technology communicator specializing in the geek space. She regularly creates science videos on TikTok and contributes to Wired, NPR, StarTrek.com, New Scientist, and Engadget. Krishna’s writing has appeared in outlets such as The Verge, Polygon, Fast Company, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Business Insider, and Slate. She is currently writing a book on stargazing for Chronicle Books (Fall 2023). You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
Subscribe to Swapna’s brand new show Far Out on PBS:
 Far Out explores the future of science, technology, and culture and how these changes may affect humanity and life on Earth. With pop culture and sci-fi references, the series will be humorous and fun, but unafraid to ask tough questions and explore unknowns.
Far Out is the inaugural show in a lineup of new STEM-related content coming to PBS Terra with support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program. The grant will help elevate underrepresented voices in STEM media, in particular Black and Hispanic creators, as well as women in general.
Explore Swapna Krishna’s video games column in Wired: